Singer / Songwriter / Pianist / Author


I started playing the piano by ear when I was just two or three years old. My mother tells the story that I asked her to curl my hair, dress me up and take a picture of me at the piano with my sister’s doll, Cindy Lou. This picture that my mother took is proof that I came born with a seed of desire to perform and have my picture taken.

When I started taking lessons from a professional teacher in 7th grade, my piano teacher sponsored recitals for her students and I got a taste of what it’s like to choose music, practice it and then perform it for friends and family. Inspired by the experience, I decided to sponsor my own recitals filled with music I specifically chose and memorized. Then, I invited my friends and my mother made delightful treats to serve afterward. I did this twice as a teenager and I’m pretty sure that’s where I got the taste for performing.

In my early thirties, I began to hear lyrics and melodies in my head and started writing my own music–a gift my piano teacher spotted in my long before I saw it in myself. When an opportunity came to record my first CD, it changed my life forever and I started down the road of becoming a full-time singer/songwriter and pianist.

I love offering hope to audiences: Humor, Original songs, Personal Experiences and Encouragement are woven throughout the concert experiences I provide.

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